We offer individualized support to fulfill your hiring needs. The benefits of hiring job seekers with disabilities include:
During our first meeting, our goal is to learn all about your business, industry, culture, standards of operation, hours, roles within the company (from entry level to executive), and hiring process. We want to understand what your needs are, and determine whether you have immediate job openings you're trying to fill, openings that frequently become available, or a future opportunity that you want to discuss and explore ways to include people with disabilities.
Once we understand your goals and needs, we review our current caseload of job seekers to match someone who may be a good fit for that role. In some cases, we might set up a company tour, informational interview, or a job shadow for a job seeker. We believe strongly in finding the right candidate for the job, and will not simply fill an opening if the candidate is not your ideal fit.
If we have a candidate in mind that may require a modification, we will dig deeper into your desired end result. A task analysis may be necessary to discover if the job seeker is truly a fit. If needed, we would discuss possible options to help the candidate overcome possible barriers within the employment setting by using solutions such as technology, picture books, checklists, etc. Often, these modifications are not only helpful for the job seeker, but the entire team! Modifications are usually simple and inexpensive.
Sometimes employers request a consultation to help them create or customize a position for hiring a person with a disability. In this case, we discuss your desired end result and specific needs. Together we will develop the task list and job role of this customized position.
After a candidate has been hired for a position, we work with you and the employee. We help bridge any gaps in communication to ensure all parties have the information they need to be successful. We often act as a liaison between you and the job seeker. Further, we can also provide you with coaching and training support to ensure that the employee is learning everything in a timely manner.
We will continue to provide occasional onsite and off-site support as needed based on the employee’s independence.
She followed our expectations when it came to the on-boarding of the new associate. She ensured they had everything they needed prior to starting their new position. Mallory is here with our associates/her clients whenever we need her to be here.
She is always willing to check in and is not afraid to speak to the leaders of the department rather just communicating with HR. She knows our needs as a business and would never set up a work experience with a client that wouldn't fit Festival's overall culture. Festival's partnership with Mallory has been such a great experience. She is patient and we as a company never feel obligated to hire on a client that we may not feel is a good fit and she would assist with those tough conversations. I appreciate her partnership.
When Mallory places consumers at Goodwill Retail and Training Centers she is aware of the type of work we perform both on the sales floor and in production and ensures that the consumers she places at our stores are appropriate to the work we have. She is willing to coach the consumers initially and she will stop at the store throughout their work experience to offer additional support if needed. This is very appreciated by the store leadership.